
Nissan island

nissan island
Nissan Island Guesthouse

A handful of rooms here on very remote Nissan Island. There is no way to book as there are no communication lines to this island. It seems unlikely that they would be full if you just turned up!

nissan island

There are two other guest houses on Nissan both at Tartumpos Balil. Kulu Guest House situated right at the tip, and Balil Lodge nearby. For the same reason of lack of communication, you cannot book and they receive very few guests.

Buka island

buka island

There are a number of formal places to stay on Buka Island which cater largely to NGO representatives and government employees.

buka island
Hani's Inn
PO Box 91 Buka
+675 973 9930

They have 21 rooms, singles and doubles. Only the double rooms are air-conditioned. Guaranteed power this is an issue from their own generator. Shared bathroom facilities.

buka island
Kuri Village Resort
PO Box 222 Buka
+675 973 9155

Located on the waterfront overlooking the Buka Passage, this is the most upmarket place to stay anywhere in Bougainville. All rooms are air-conditioned and they offer packages including all meals basic room rate does not include any meals. Quality of food varies.

buka island
Lumankoa Guest House
PO Box 260 Buka
+675 973 9779
K176 including breakfast and dinner

All of the 19 rooms are double, but single occupancy is not a problem.

Main bougainville island

main bougainville island

There are not many formal accommodation options here.

main bougainville island
Arevai Guesthouse
+675 2799915

Thirteen rooms.

main bougainville island
Arawa Women's Training Centre
+675 279 9927
K85-140 breakfast included

Four double rooms and six triples offered here. No air-conditioning but the rooms do have fans.

main bougainville island
Poonang Nava Inn
+675 72392530
K100-150 breakfast included
Section 10

Double rooms with aircon or fan. Great food.